
Auburn title and closing company
Apr 18, 2024

South Oak Auburn: The Loveliest Closing Company on the Plains

South Oak has had an office in Auburn for a few years, but we’ve made some changes to better serve our Auburn clients. Hear from Brook Bartol to learn more.
New construction title insurance
Mar 19, 2024

Yes, You Still Need Title Insurance for New Construction

Title insurance isn't just for older homes or estate properties; it's also for new construction. Learn why you should never skip title insurance for a new home.
Happy clients at real estate closing
Mar 04, 2024

Best Practices for Even Better Closings

Everyone wants to have an outstanding closing experience, but not every agent knows how to do this. Our guide lets you in on some best practices for better closings.
Man taking steps to his real estate closing
Feb 14, 2024

10 Steps from Contract to Closing Day

Wouldn’t it be great if you could close on a home instantly? But a lot has to happen behind the scenes to close a home sale. Learn more in our helpful guide.
Piggy bank representing money saved during a refinance in Alabama
Jan 30, 2024

Refinance 101

Thinking about a refinance but don’t know where to start? If you’re looking to take advantage of lower mortgage interest rates, check out our guide to refinances.
A home office featuring a frozen computer screen displaying wire fraud
Dec 01, 2023

Don’t Let Wire Fraud Give You The Chills

Wire fraud is on the rise in the real estate industry. This article provides a comprehensive guide on what wire fraud is, its risks, and how to prevent it. It…
Notary tools remote online notary
Nov 01, 2023

Notary Basics

We prioritize knowledge and expertise to ensure exceptional service in every transaction. A crucial aspect of this is understanding the foundations of notary…
Buyer seller impersonation
Sep 21, 2023

Preventing Seller Impersonation Fraud

It can be difficult to keep up with industry trends and new types of fraud. Check out our guide to seller impersonation fraud to protect yourself and your clients.
Red flag for prelim title report
Sep 04, 2023

Ordering a Preliminary Title Report

Got a complicated listing? A preliminary title report may be the tool you need to prevent closing delays and improve your client’s experience.
Woman signing an earnest money check
Aug 24, 2023

Your Guide to Earnest Money Deposits

Discover the benefits of digital earnest money deposits for realtors and homebuyers, ensuring smoother and stress-free closings with our comprehensive guide.